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Paper Shasta Daisy with Kelly Pastorek
Paper Shasta Daisy
Materials and Vendors List (printable)
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Procedural Steps (printable)
1/9 Introduction by the Artist (video) (3:22)
2/9 Materials Overview (video) (5:40)
3/9 Center Preparation (video) (22:17)
4/9 Assembling the Center (video) (23:51)
5/9 Making and Styling Petals (video) (23:58)
6/9 Petal Placement (video) (36:20)
7/9 Making and Attaching Calyxes (video) (35:32)
8/9 Making and Attaching Leaves (video) (80:45)
9/9 Moment of Appreciation (video) (2:35)
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