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Global Garden: Paper Protea with Sharla Royeppen
Paper Protea with Sharla Royeppen
Course Brief
Terms of Use
Examples from Artists
Course Printables (supplies, vocabulary, procedural steps for reference)
Printable Template
Introduction to the Paper Protea (video 9m) (8:51)
'Pink Ice' Queen Protea Botanical Dissection (video 30 m) (29:41)
Supplies (video 10m) (10:41)
Creating the Flower Head (video 24m) (24:26)
Creating the Bracts (video 33m) (33:14)
Creating the Leaves (video 14m) (14:13)
Making the Stem and Finishing (video 14m) (16:15)
You did it! (video 1m and Course Evaluation Link) (1:03)
Printable Template
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